haha thnks yana!! mcspicy kirim salam suda eh hahah!!
ok this is khairule~! and2 dont mess with the rule, you see.. haha step mane nyer hip hop jerz..
kay tuka topic..
BoriNG per hidup, morning meet up mood, ana and hatta.. hatta punya lambat! thnks eh.. nasib sampai class ontime.. this morning checked hatta's wallet and saw colourfull of notes! phuyooo~
so i started to save up [nk ikut mcm hatta hehe] in the end recess time nmpk mudd makan jer, alemak da start selera babe!! ahaha join ah.. so tmrw promise myself bwk bekal and save up!!
nk beli kasut top man!! After school meet Azim(Mohsen), Faizal, Liyana(Ayam), Sheikh(Mop), Aisyah(stick) and Izzat(orang buta!!).. We went E!hub blaja menjadi-jadi ehk.. arnd 4 everyone left me, azim and yana.. semua balik kental ah! so yana went hme, Azim and Me went to GB house and played halo3 wohooo~ aftr7 we went hme . . reach hme kena pekik by my mom.. kenapa tk tau balik sebelum maghrib?!! da sembayang ke blum?!! asl tk nk balik lepas subuh skali?!! i went, blaja kat ruma kawan la, da sembayang da kat ruma kawan, insyaallah balik lepas subuH.. menjawab jer ehk khairul..
kay lazy post here and there anymre gtg .. stay in touch