Tday is aatiqah bfade n happy bfdae! haahah! bad luck giler per hari ni! we ( Azim, Hatta, liyana, Aisyah, Nunu, Sidah, Nadiah, Diyana, Amirah, Serii, Indra, Syahira, Izzad, Neeke n many more were at rc mama celebrtng her bfdae n bashed her with eggs n flour.. Suddenly the cops arrive n some get to escaped icludng me.. Others were caught by the beruk(police)haahah! Mr. Sam thn arrive with ms. Siti so blah4! thn monday need to serve detention.. Kay i hate this part! Aftr the case cleared, we'll thn lpak at playground near hatta's place.. I get bored wtchng hatta spard with azim so i decided to have a friendly match with azim.. You knoe wad happend next?, Azim accidentally punch into muhh face n blood bleeds out of my mouth. We stopped, my lips tore n im Fckng Hurt.. i cant eat easily nor drinkng.. So i've learnt my lesson n not to escape friday prayers anymore..